1. 《波利比乌斯的历史书写与罗马“命运”》,《史林》2023(02):14-26。
2. 《“神之子”与和睦帝国理想》,《南方文物》2023(01): 79-88。
3. 《希腊化时代早期城邦王权政治礼仪中的神性问题》,《世界历史评论》,2022(03):172-195。
4. ‘Augustus’ Presentation of “Empire” in his Res Gestae’ (peer review),Humanitas 78 (2021.12): 51-70.
5. 《19世纪罗马“帝国主义”问题在西方学术界的缘起与发展[J]》,《世界历史》2021(02):122-134。
6. ‘Continuity and Innovation in Imperial Inscriptions’ (peer review), New Classics 3 (2020.05): 1-15.
2023 杰西卡·迈尔著,熊宸译,《罗马三千年:地图上的城市史》,九州出版社,2023年。(Jessica Maier, The Eternal City:A History of Rome in Maps, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2020.)
2019 玛丽·彼尔德著,熊宸译,《庞贝——一座罗马城市的生与死》,民主与建设出版社,2019年。(Mary Beard, Pompeii: The Life of a Roman Town, London: Profile Books Ltd., 2008.)
2018 斋藤拙堂著,熊宸译,《老子辩》[日],收录于彭磊编,《赫西俄德的世界》,华夏出版社,2018年:页142-154。(斎藤拙堂, “老子辯”。)
2014 戈尔德希尔/ 奥斯本著,李向利,熊宸译,《表演文化与雅典民主政制》,华夏出版社,2014年。(Simon Goldhill and Robin Osborne eds., Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.)
2022.06 – 2023.06 中国博士后科学基金第71批面上资助(主持)(项目编号:2022M711827)。
2021.06 – 2023.06 清华大学“水木学者”博士后人才项目(主持)(项目编号:2020SM132)。
Research Interests: western Classics, ancient Greek and Roman history, history of political thought, history of ancient empire
2023.09 - Lecturer, School of History, Capital Normal University,Beijing, China
2021.06 – 2023.06 Research Fellow/Post-doc, Department of History/Institute of Humanities, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2020.02 Visiting Scholar, Hardt Foundation, Vandoeuvres, Switzerland.
2016.09 – 2021.02 PhD, Classics/Ancient History, King’s College London
2013.09 – 2016.07 MA, Classics, Renmin University of China, Beijing
2009.09 – 2013.07 BA, Classics, Renmin University of China, Beijing
1. 2023.04 ‘The Historiography of Polybius and the Tyche of Rome’,Historical Review (2023.02):14-26. (《波利比乌斯的历史书写与罗马“命运”》,《史林》,2023(02):14-26。)
2. 2023.04 ‘The Divi Filius and the Ideal of Harmonious Empire’, Cultural Relics in Southern China (2023.01): 79-88.(《“神之子”与和睦帝国理想》,《南方文物》,2023(01):79-88。)
3. 2022.03 ‘The Divinity of Kings and Ruler Worship in the Early Hellenistic Period’, The World History Review (2022.03): 172-195.(《希腊化时代早期城邦王权政治礼仪中的神性问题》,《世界历史评论》,2022(03):172-195。)
4. 2021.12 ‘Augustus’ Presentation of “Empire” in his ResGestae’ (peer review),Humanitas 78 (2021.12): 51-70.
5. 2021.02 ‘The Rise and Development of Roman “Imperialism” in the 19th -Century Western Academia’, World History (2021.02): 122-134.(《19世纪罗马“帝国主义”问题在西方学术界的缘起与发展》,《世界历史》,2021(02):122-134。)
6. 2020.05 ‘Continuity and Innovation in Imperial Inscriptions’ (peer review), New Classics 3 (2020.05): 1-15.
2023 Jessica Maier, The Eternal City:A History of Rome in Maps, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2020. 杰西卡·迈尔著,熊宸译,《罗马三千年:地图上的城市史》,九州出版社,2023年。
2019 Mary Beard, Pompeii: The Life of a Roman Town, London: Profile Books Ltd., 2008. 玛丽·彼尔德著,熊宸译,王晨校,《庞贝——一座罗马城市的生与死》,民主与建设出版社,2019年。
2018 Saito Setsudou (斎藤拙堂),‘The Discussion about Laotsu’, Beijing : 142-154. 斋藤拙堂著,熊宸译,《老子辩》[日],收录于彭磊编,《赫西俄德的世界》,华夏出版社,2018年:页142-154。
2014 Simon Goldhill and Robin Osborne eds., Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 戈尔德希尔/ 奥斯本著,李向利,熊宸译,《表演文化与雅典民主政制》,华夏出版社,2014年。
Honours and Awards
2022.06 -2023.06 Funding from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Beijing, China
2021-2023 ‘Shuimu Scholars’ Global Programme at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
2019.12 Funding from the Hardt Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland.
2019.07 Arts and Humanities Grants for Research Students, King’s College London.
2016-2019 Kings-China Scholarship Council PhD Scholarship Programme (K-CSC).